Welcome to 2020 friends, a new year and a new decade. How do you feel about 2019? I felt okayish about 2019, I faced some fears and made wonderful memories with my friends and family. Could it have been better? Yeah of course, but this year I want to focus on the good and not the bad. While 2019 was filled with small victories, for some reason I was more focused on how my best just wasn’t enough. My self-love goals for 2020 are all about loving every stage of my journey. This year is about doing the work, making changes, and creating better habits.
Less self-doubt
This may be the most challenging thing to do because we all have negative thoughts which we can’t stop completely. In an effort to keep those negative thoughts at bay you can create a daily affirmation for yourself or a mantra. Something that will keep you going and remind you of who you are and why you started in the first place. Figure out what you were put on this earth to do, believe that you can, and do it.
Fewer comparisons
Like I said this year is all about doing the work, and loving who you are. If you’re too busy wishing you had someone else’s life or wondering why it’s them instead of you, you’re not really working on you. Social media makes it so easy to compare ourselves to others, so why not use it as a tool? I was listening to a podcast and they spoke about following people that make you feel good about yourself. This is brilliant, follow people who inspire you or who have the same goals as you. Get rid of the people who don’t somehow add value to your life.
More Consistency
This basically goes for everything in life. In order to be successful at anything, you have to be consistent. If you want to make changes in your life, you cannot be afraid to stick to something and see things through. I am famous for starting something and then quitting when it gets difficult or I don’t get results quickly. That’s the beauty of trying new things because you never know the outcome. You could be great at something, or you can absolutely suck at it. One thing is for sure though, you probably learned something new about yourself whether it’s how determined you are or how much you may not like the very thing you thought you’d love.
It’s easy to write down your goals, pray on it, and tell yourself you can do it over and over, but you actually have to take action and put in the work when it comes to things you want. Staying consistent is the only way we will see those results.
Less Overthinking
Overthinking is so real and can be so consuming. This year I want to let go of overthinking. Sometimes we overthink so much that we stop everything else that’s going on around us. It can be such a waste of time because instead of focusing on more pressing matters we give all our attention to one bad part of our day. I want to remember to focus my energy on the things that are in my control and just letting the rest of the pieces fall into place. I know, easier said than done.
If you’re an overthinker try writing down all your thoughts in a journal, this may help you calm your mind and recenter yourself. A new friend of mine told me about a journal called An Inspired Life which is a prompt journal. She made a great point that when we write in our journals we sometimes only write about negative things, and not the good parts of our lives or ourselves for that matter. This journal kind of forces you to say nice things about yourself rather than dissecting your life which leads to excessive overthinking.
Less Food Guilt
There is so much pressure to look a certain way and be the healthiest person that ever lived. With that being said, my relationship with food has got to change this year, I cannot let it consume me. FOOD IS LIFE! I love to eat so restricting myself from any food group is just not going to work for me. In 2019 I tried to eat all the “right” foods and fuel my body with the nutrients that it needed. I tried counting my calories and macronutrients, and that became very overwhelming. Instead of counting every nibble and bite I’m focusing on moderation. It is okay to indulge sometimes and that one “bad” meal will not ruin my progress.
If you are struggling with eating healthy and portion sizes try to do one thing at a time. You could incorporate more fruits and veggies or buy portion control containers.
Changes will not happen overnight, but focusing on small changes will make it easier to achieve any goal. Be realistic with your goals and changes this year. You can set big goals, but try breaking them down into small actions.
Look, I certainly don’t have all the answers so if you have some advice or you would like to share your thoughts about 2020, I would love to hear them. I hope this year is good to you and that you achieve every goal you’ve set for yourself. Even if you don’t accomplish each and every goal it’s okay, just keep going.