Being in your 20s is supposed to be such a magical time, right? Well I don’t know about you, but it’s actually been somewhat of a shit show. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed being a young twenty something, but I never thought I’d feel lost in my 20s. From declaring my major, trying to fit in, and choosing a career I’ll be proud of in twenty years..let’s just say it has been quite the struggle.
Naturally, I am a planner and a perfectionist. I’ve always had a plan for myself, I think things through and I think about all the possible outcomes. I’m practical and predictable to a fault. I’ve never been a go with the flow type of person, but I’ve realized that it’s okay if things don’t go as planned. Yes, it’s confusing, frustrating, and has left me feeling lost. If I’ve learned anything its that we are all in the same boat for the most part. If you think you’re the only one lost in your 20s, think again.
If this is something you’re going through – don’t give up. Be kind to yourself, be patient, and give yourself time. Here are 5 things to remember when you feel lost in your 20s.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Can’t stress this one enough. Your journey is unique to and it’s yours and yours alone. It’s easy to wonder when it’ll be your turn or if it will ever happen for you. Rather than doubting yourself, let the success of others motivate and inspire you to keep going. It is a beautiful thing to have dreams and aspirations even if you don’t have it all figured out.
Don’t Set Strict Timelines
Time is your friend. It’s always good to set short term and long term goals, but sometimes we think something significant has to happen right away. Just because someone is getting married, having children, or starting a business at 25 and you’re still at home with your parents doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you are behind in life, you’re right where you need to be. You will get there in your own time, work hard and stay focused. Good things will come in due time.
Don’t be Afraid of Change
You know the saying “Change happens outside of your comfort zone.” Well it’s true. I love a good routine, and I don’t like to change it up for the most part because I am set in my ways. My comfort zone is my safe haven, but I began thinking about all the things I want to accomplish, and I realized nothing would happen if I kept doing the same old thing.
I’m a creature of habit, and starting a blog took a lot of courage. All those thoughts about failing and what others will think run through everyone’s head, and I don’t think it’ll ever stop. The difference between you and someone else could simply be that they put themselves out there, embraced change, and didn’t let fear take over. Trying new things and chasing your dreams can only be a good thing. If something doesn’t work out keep trying until you get it right.
Talk to yourself
It is okay to have negative thoughts, most of the time you can’t help it. Instead of having negative thoughts, try to shift the focus to the good things in your life. We all talk to ourselves so it may as well be something that’ll make you feel good about you. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself and read it everyday. Self image is something I struggle with daily, and I am working on being kinder to myself. Being in your 20’s is a challenging time and you’re just beginning to find yourself, be good to you.
Take A Step Back
Take your mind off of things, it’s healthy to give yourself a break from the overwhelming feeling to achieve success. Give yourself a day to regroup and then get back to it. Try focusing on some self-care practices like taking a bath or reading a book. Ideas spark when you least expect it. Your next big idea could come to you when you’re watching your favorite show or spending time with loved ones. Don’t be afraid to take a step back and press the reset button and look at things from a different perspective.
All these tips can be applied to you regardless of if you’re lost in your 20s or your 40’s. If you feel lost today, it’s okay. Life isn’t about having all the answers because let’s face it who does? We are all just figuring it out as we go, taking it one day at a time. The beauty of life is the unknown. I don’t know about you, but I am excited for the future, and I can’t wait to see it all unfold. I’ll take the bad days because I know there is more good coming my way. Life is too short to think about the what ifs. I’ve spent so much time worrying and wondering how things will pan out instead of living in the moment and enjoying the people I love so much.