Sunscreen has a bad reputation in the past. The scent was never pleasant and was oftentimes sticky. Oh, and don’t get me started on the white cast! Today I am sharing four sunscreens for oily skin and acne prone skin….

Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
Hello friends, I know it's been a while. Let's just chalk it up to life lol. Anywho, I am back with a review of the JUNOCO Clean 10 Cleansing Balm. I have really enjoyed adding this product to my ...
Styling products for Instagram was so difficult for me when I started blogging. I didn’t know what props to use, I didn’t have the proper lighting, and it took me a while to find my style. Fast ...
The year is coming to a close and today I am rounding up the best skincare of 2020. These are products that I was introduced to this year and I haven't been able to put them down since. My list ...
Finding the perfect gift for the men in your life can be difficult. I find it quite hard myself when I am shopping for my dad and my boyfriend. I am so excited to share my Men's Holiday Gift Guide ...
Sunscreen has a bad reputation in the past. The scent was never pleasant and was oftentimes sticky. Oh, and don’t get me started on the white cast! Today I am sharing four sunscreens for oily skin and acne prone skin….
Keeping a journal has always been something that I’ve done without knowing its true benefits. It has impacted my adult life for the better. I can’t lie, I’m not always the best at keeping up with my journal. When I…
I love my bed. It’s my favorite part of my home and curling up in bed is so satisfying. Since the bedroom is one of the most important places in any home, it should be a sanctuary where you have all…
With all the challenges that COVID-19 brought to my life, shopping wasn’t one of them. I wanted to do a massive haul and share everything I purchased in quarantine. This quarantine haul will include some Black-Owned brands that I’ve discovered…
In the last 6 months, I would say that my nighttime skincare routine has changed drastically. With the addition to some new products, my skin has never looked or felt better. It’s been a while since I shared my nighttime…
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